Father of Indian Civil Engineering

Father of Indian Civil Engineering
Father of Indian Civil Engineering

Friday, 19 June 2015

Works of Civil Engineer & Work Sequence of Building Construction

Here the typical works of a civil engineer(Real estate project) is mentioned

The works can be divided into the following six categories:
          COMMON AREA

Structure (start to finish)
It includes everything like foundation,beam,column, masonry works,electrical,plumbing,painting and tiling works.

  1. The site boundary and marking pillars are marked and is cross checked with reference to the setting out drawing
  1. Receipt of approved current construction drawing for footing and excavation (Architectural & Structural) from Architects.
  1. Checklists for all the activities to be filled and approval taken.
  2. Mass excavation /manual excavation are started.
  3. Anti termite treatment is done.
  4. PCC for footing with soling (if required) to be done.
  5. Marking for footing and columns.
  6. Reinforcement for footing.
  7. Shuttering/form work for footing.
  1. Concreting for footing.
  2.  Pedestal marking and concreting.
  3.  Column marking / casting
  4.  Reinforcement/lapping.
  5.  Column box shuttering,
  6.  Column concreting
  7.  Meter marking/staircase columns.
  8.  Beam bottom marking/shuttering.
  9.  Shuttering for beam side / slab.
  10.  Leveling and QC/ Architects checking.
  11.  Reinforcement for beam, beam bottom, electrical conduiting, plumbing cutout and top mat.
  1.  Beam outer side shuttering.
  2.  Check by structural consultant /QC.
  3.  Pour card/batch ticket signature to be taken.
  1. Concreting of slab/beam supervised under the PH (Staircase and Lift wall are cast along with the structure).
  1.  Cubes are cast as per Indian Standards.
  2.  Sprinkling of water to be started the moment concrete surface starts to dry.
  1.  Ponding / hessain cloth curing to be done for 7 days
  2.  Column starter marking for the next floor.
           a. Repeat the procedure from point 12-27 for the next level.
  1.  De-shuttering started after achieving required strength as per IS requirements. (With temporary supports to beams/slabs).
  1.  Hacking to be done on concrete surfaces for plastering and slurry  coat to be applied to concrete surface at junction of block workand concrete.
  1.  Marking course of block work is done and is checked by Quality  Engineer.
  1. Block work done using templates for doors and windows openings.
  1.  Meter marking is done on the block work with coloured line dori
  1.  Lintels/sills/chejjas are cast with reference to meter level.
  2.  Mesh fixing is done at the junction of block work and concrete and is packed with mortar.
  1.  Ceiling plastering is done. (PVC rings are provided for the electrical junction boxes).
  1.  Button marking for the wall plaster is done.
  2.  Electrical chasing, conduiting and box fixing including DB box fixing and packing  are done.
  1.  Window grills and balcony railings are fixed.
  2.  Wall plastering is completed including the toilets. Meter marking  is again done on the surface as explained earlier.
  1. Plumbing chasing, pipe fixing in toilets/kitchen is completed and tested and packing is done
  1. Electrical wiring is completed.
  2. Fire sprinkler works are completed.
  3. Main floor screed for tilling is completed.
  4. Bore packing in toilets, balconies and utilities are completed.
  5. Ponding test is done to check the water tightness of the bore.
  6. Screeding for toilets, balconies and utilities are done.
  7. Internal painting comprising of primer, 2 coats of putty for ceiling and wall is done.
  8. Toilet and kitchen dadoing is completed. ( except for bottom line of tile)
  9. The main flooring is completed and the tile surface is protected.
  10. Under tile waterproofing is done for toilets, balconies and utilities.
  1. Floor tilling for toilets and balconies are completed and protected.
  1.  Skirting for the main flooring is completed and the last tile dadoing is finished.
  1.  Window sill and balcony coping granite works are  completed.
  1.  Sanding and first coat paint to ceiling and wall is completed.
  2.  False ceiling frame works and E-board works in balconies  and utilities are completed.
  1.  Texture and first coat paint for balconies and utilities are  done.     
  1.  Aluminum windows, ventilators and doors are fixed.
  2.  SIL door frames and shutters are fixed.
  3.  Electrical switch plates are fixed.
  4. Touch up putty and sanding to wall and ceiling are done.
  5. False ceiling works in toilets are completed.
  6. Grouting of wall and floor.
  7. Final coat paint.
  8. Plumbing fixtures are fixed.
  9. Silicon sealant works are completed for toilet and kitchen areas.
  10. Final snagging and handover of flat to CRM.(Refer Clearance Process from QST)

Common Area Works 

  1. Staircase and Lift wall to be constructed along with structure.
  2. Block work for common area and shafts are completed.
  3. Electrical conduiting and box fixing is completed.
  4. Staircase wall and ceiling plastering is completed.
  5. Lobby area plastering is done.
  6. Staircase railing and lobby railings are fixed.
  7. Staircase and common area flooring and dadoing (as per specification) are completed.
  1. Granite coping and lift architraves granite works are completed.
  2. Putty, sanding and first coat paint to ceiling are completed.
  1. Services like Plumbing and fire are completed.
  2. Electrical wiring works are completed.
  3. Shaft door fixing is completed.
  4. Shaft door painting is completed.
  5. Grouting of floor tile, wall tile and granite are done.
  6. Silicon sealant works are completed.
  7. Signages are fixed.
  8. Final snagging and handover of common area to CRM.
Terrace Works

  1. Up stand beam to be cast by providing provision for stub columns.
  2. Concreting of stub columns.
  3. Parapet block work completed.
  4. Coping for the parapet wall done.
  5. Structural works such as OHT, Staircase headroom, Lift machine room, flush tank, battery room etc. to be completed.
  1. Block work to be completed for all the above mentioned service rooms.
  2. Electrical conduiting & Box fixing works to be completed.
  3. Ponding test to be done to check the water tightness of the terrace slab.
  4. Tanks to be filled with water and water tightness to be checked.
  5. Kurrah fixing (Outlet for draining rain water) to be completed with bore packing.
  6. Bull strips are made.
  7. Light weight screed is completed to slope.
  1. Haunching to be done at the junction of all vertical and horizontal surfaces to enable smooth transition of waterproofing.
  1. Waterproofing as per waterproofing calendar /Specifications issued to site.
  1. Protective screed for the waterproofing done.
  2. Plastering for all surfaces to be completed.
  3. Plumbing bracket fixing work to be completed.
  4. Terrace pipe line works to be completed.
  5. Terrace flooring works to be completed.
  1. Skirting works to be completed.
  2. Miscellaneous works such as OHT ladder fixing, staircase handrail for lift machine room, door fixing for the rooms, painting works, fixing of solar panels & water heaters, lightning arrester, aviation lights etc. to be complete
  1. External painting to be completed.
  2. Painting for all the MS works.
  3. Expansion joint treatment to be completed (if any).
  4. Non-shrink expansion joint material to be filled as the specification.
  5. Snagging and hand over to CRM.

Lift Works

  1. Lift well waterproofing is completed.
  2. Lift wall to be constructed along with structure.
  3. Block work for the lift openings to be done as per manufacturer’s drawing.
  1. Lintel to be cast with allowance for granite architrave.
  2. Lift well block work plastering to be completed.
  3. White washing to be done to the lift well.
  4. Electrical conduiting is done; bulk heads and socket points are fixed.
  5. Lift frame and door is fixed by vendor.
  6. Granite frame and architrave are fixed.
  7. After handover of lift from the agency, the lift flooring to be done.
  8. Protection done for the walls and the ceiling of lift.
  9. Final snagging and handover of Lift to CRM
Basement Works

  1. Backfilling to be done in layers and compacted.
  2. Soil profile to be graded as per the required slopes.
  3. Anti-termite treatment to the soil is done.
  4. Car wash drains and tanks to be constructed.
  5. Soling is done to the required profile.
  6. PCC is done.
  7. All the high level services such as electrical, plumbing, fire are completed.
  1. Lift lobby works are completed.
  2. The services rooms such as panel rooms, telecom rooms, pump rooms, Water treatment plants, maintenance room etc… are completed.
  1. VDF (Vacuum dewatered flooring) is completed.
  2.  Car wash drain covers are placed.
  3.  Ceiling painting (Tyrolene) to be completed.
  4.  Column and wall painting to be done.
  5.  Electrical light fittings and car wash lines are completed.
  6.  Car park numbering and marking to be completed.
  7.  The shaft openings are enclosed in the basement.
  8.  Column fenders are fixed.
  9.  Signages and letter boxes are to be fixed.
  10.  Final snagging and handover of basement to CRM
External Works
  1. Retaining wall waterproofing and back filling to be done.
  2. Anti termite treatment to be done to the areas surrounding the building.
  1. Underground services such as Plumbing, Fire, Electrical works to be completed.
  1. DG yard, transformer yard, STP, UG sump, Organic waste converter, security cabin, gate etc… to be completed.
  1. Shafts block work, plastering, plumbing lines, shaft door fixing etc...to be completed.
  1. External plastering and external painting to the building is completed.
  2. Podium waterproofing to be completed.
  3. Podium hard landscaping to be completed.
  1. Storm water drainage to be completed.
  2.  Compound wall works to be completed.
  3.  Driveway soling, PCC, kerb stones and pavers completed.
  4.  Bore well connections, rain water harvesting pits etc... to be completed.
  1.  Swimming pool, clubhouse and other external facilities as per drawings are to be completed.
  1.  Soft landscaping to be completed.
  2.  Electrical lighting to be completed.
  3.  Snagging and handover to CRM.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

How to construct a house

Here I am showing you all a typical G+2 villa construction, based on my experience of 10 bungalow constructions. Click on each heading for detailed description on each topics. 
My plot size is 11m wide and 20.5m length i.e 2400 sq.ft
  1. Marking the site layout
  2. Excavation
  3. PCC for Footing
  4. Marking for footing
  5. Reinforcement
  6. Shuttering
  7. Concreting of footing
  8. Starters for columns
  9. Column casting
  10. Backfilling & Compaction
  11. Anti Termite Treatment
  12. PCC for Plinth Beam 
  13. Plinth Beam casting
  14. Grade slab concreting
  15. GF Columns concreting
  16. GF Roof casting
  17. FF Columns concreting
  18. FF Roof casting
  19. SF Columns concreting
  20. SF Roof casting
  21. Block work with lintels
  22. Hacking
  23. Electrical works & Electrical conduits packing
  24. Mesh fixing
  25. Bull Fixing
  26. Corner Bead Fixing
  27. Internal Plastering of ceiling & wall
  28. External Plastering
  29. Window Grylls & Hand Rails Fixing
  30. Marble flooring & skirting
  31. Plumbing pipe installation in toilets & kitchens
  32. Wall Tiling
  33. Screeding
  34. Water Proofing (Under tile)
  35. Floor Tiling
  36. False ceiling works
  37. Grouting - wall & floor tiles
  38. Plumbing Fixtures Installation
  39. POP works
  40. 2coats Putty, 1coat primer & 2coat paint (after final checking/snagging
  41. Terrace water proofing, insulation works screeding & tiling
  42. Wooden Doors installation
  43. Aluminum Doors and Windows/Ventilators fixing
  44. Hand Rails Installation
  45. Electrical Fixtures - Wiring & Switches
  46. Shaft Door fixing
  47. External Putty Works,Texture & Paint
  48. Compound wall & Gate
  49. Gardening works
  50. Road and Infrastructure Features


Earthquake is a natural phenomenon occuring with all uncertanities. Engineering design aims to link economics, social, environmental and safety factor to produce the best solution. India is a large country. Nearly two thirds of its area is earthquake prone. A large part of rural and urban buildings are low-rise buildings of one two three stroyes. Many of them may not be adequately designed from engineers trained in earthquake engineering. Most loss of life and property due to earthquakes occur due to collapse of buildings. The number of dwelling units and other related small-scale constructions might double in the next two decades in India and other developing countries of the world. This amplifies the need for a simple engineering approach to make such buildings earthquake resistant at a reasonably low cost.
The behaviour of a building during earthquakes depend critically on its overall shape, size and geometry, in addition to how the earthquake forces are carried to the ground. Hence, at the planning stage itself, architects and structural engineers must work together to ensure that the unfavourable features are avoided and a good building configuration is chosen. The main objective of seismic resistant construction is that the structure does not collapse during mild earthquakes. This also helps in preventing catastrophic failure of the suructure giving sufficient warning during severe earthquakes thereby saving precious lives.
 In this presentation emphasis will be given to the performance of unengineered buildings during earthquake and some methods to reduce the damages during earthquake.
Earthquake is a natural phenomenon occurring with all uncertainties. Among all the natural calamities, the most devastating one is earthquake. During the earthquake, ground motions occur in a random fashion, both horizontally and vertically, in all directions radiating from epicenter. These ground motions cause structures to vibrate and induce inertia forces on them. Hence structures in such locations need to be suitably designed and detailed to ensure stability, strength and serviceability with acceptable levels of safety under seismic effects.

   The interest of an engineer in earthquakes is mainly from design point of view. He studies them so that the structure he builds can safely withstand the earthquake shocks and the associated erratic ground motion.
            At present, the principle of earthquake-resistant design of building has two aims:
1.    The building shall withstand with almost no damage to moderate earthquake which have probability of occurring several times during life of a building.
2.    The building shall not collapse or harm human lives during severe earthquake motions which have a probability of occuring less than once during the life of the building.
In the former case deformation of the structures remain within the elastic range.
In the latter case, they may exceed the elastic limit and the building should be designed with sufficient ductility to survive collapse.
     In order to satisfy these aims, building design should conform following rules:
(a)    The configuration of the building (Plan and elevation) should be as simple as possible.
(b)    The formation should generally be based on hard and uniform ground.
(c)    The members resisting horizontal forces should be arranged so that torsional deformation is not produced.
(d)    The structure of the building should be dynamically simple and definite.
(e)    The frame of the building structure should have adequate ductility in addition to required strength.
(f)    Deformations produced in a building should be held to values, which will not provide obstacles to safety use of building.                                                             
2.0 Classification
            Intensity of an earthquake is measured by an instrument called Richter Scale. Classifications of earthquakes are as follows:
          Slight:           Magnitude up to 4.9 on the Richter Scale
          Moderate:     Magnitude 5.0 to 6.9
          Great:           Magnitude 7.0 to 7.9
          Very Great:  Magnitude 8.0 and above
-    An earthquake of magnitude below 2.0 on the Richter Scale usually can’t be felt .
-    An earthquake of magnitude below 4.0 on the Richter Scale don’t cause any damage.
-    An earthquake of magnitude over 5.0 on the Richter Scale usually can cause minor damage.
-    An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 and above is considered strong and cause
       substantial damage. 
-    An earthquake of magnitude 7.0 and above is a major earthquake and renders worst possible damage.
Seismic Design Philosophy for Buildings:
Severity of ground shaking at a given location during an earthquake can be minor, moderate and strong. Relatively speaking, minor shaking occurs frequently, moderate shaking occurs occasionally and strong shaking rarely. For instance, on average annually about 800 earthquakes of magnitude 5.0-5.9 occur in the world, while the number is only about 18 for magnitude range 7.0-7.9, and the rare earthquake may occur only once in 500 years or once in 2000 years. As we know that the life of the building itself may be only 50 or 100 years, a conflict arises: whether to design the building to be “earthquake proof” where in there is no damage during the strong but rare earthquake shaking or should we do away with the design to building. Clearly, the former approach is too expensive and the second approach can lead to a major disaster. Hence, the design philosophy should lie somewhere in between these twoextremes.
Seismic Risk to Buildings in India:
            The construction may generally be classified into two types:
1.    Non-Engineered Building Construction
2.    Engineered Construction including building and infrastructure
            Non-Engineered buildings are those which are spontaneously and informally constructed in various countries in the traditional manner without any or little intervention by qualified architects and engineers in their design. Such buildings involve field stone, fired brick, concrete blocks, adobe or rammed earth, a combination of wood with these traditional locally available materials in their construction . Cement and lime are sometimes used as mortar. Reinforced concrete lintels, floor, roof slabs and beams are also being increasingly used. In some cases, use of reinforced columns and beams is also made particularly for shopping centers and school buildings, but here also a post beam type simple concept is frequently adopted in a non-engineered manner without taking into consideration the stability of the system under horizontal seismicforces. Masonry buildings of all types, except those constructed with earthquake resisting elements, are at the greatest risk of heavy damage in seismic zoneIII and of destruction to collapse in zones IV and V.
Classification of Seismic Zones in India:
The earthquake resisting features specified to be incorporated while constructing any new building depend on the seismic intensity, zone in which the building is located, the base soil and the functional use of the building, whether considered important or ordinary. The extra cost of these resisting features will vary accordingly.
India is divided into 5 seismic zones in ascending order of magnitude of earthquake. The map was taken up for further revision after the Lathur earthquake of 1993. the resulting revised map published in IS:1893-2002(part I) where in the number of zones has been reduced to 4 i.e. II to V only, zone I being merged in zone II , and zone III now further expanded in the peninsular area.
The seismic zone map shows that of the total land area of the country, seismic zone Vcovers 12%, zone IV 18% and zone III about 27%, thus 57% could be subjected to damaging e earthquake intensity, masonry building in particular.
 Indian Seismic Codes:
            The Indian Standard Code to be followed for earthquake resistant structures are as follows:
IS 1893-2002, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (5th Revision)
 IS 4326-1993, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant Design andConstruction of Buildings (2nd Revision)
IS 13827-1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength Masonry Buildings
IS 13920-1993, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Ductile Detaling of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces
IS 13935-1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings

Seismic Effects on Structures:
Inertia forces in structures:
Earthquake causes shaking of the ground. So the building resting on it will experience motion at its base. From Newton’s I Law of Motion, even though the base of the building moves with the ground, the roof has a tendency to stay in its original position. But since the walls and columns are connected to it, they drag the roof along with them. This tendency of the roof to continue to remain its previous position is known as inertia. In the building, since the walls or columns are flexible, the motion of the roof is different from that of the ground.
Horizontal and Vertical Shaking:
Earthquake causes shaking of the ground in all three directions- along two horizontal directions (x &y) and the vertical direction (z). During the earthquake, the ground shakes randomly back and forth along each of these directions. All structures are primarily designed to carry the gravity loads in the vertical direction. Hence, most structures tend to be adequate against vertical shaking. However, horizontal shaking along x and y directions remains a concern. Structures designed for gravity loads, in general, may not be able to safely sustain the effects of horizontal earthquake shaking. Hence it is necessary to ensure adequacy of the structures against horizontal earthquake effects. 

Causes of Earthquake Damage:

The conventional masonry, particularly in un reinforced and non- engineered structures, being very weak in resisting tensile and shear stresses, leads to disastrous collapse of the entire building/ structure, causing heavy damage to property and loss of lives.
The main deficiencies in the conventional non- engineered/ un-reinforced masonry construction and other reasons for the extensive damage in such buildings are:
1.    Heavy dead weight and very stiff buildings, attracting large seismic inertia forces.
2.    Very low tensile strength, particularly with poor mortars.
3.     Low shear strength, particularly with poor mortars.
4.    Brittle behavior in tension as well as compression.
5.    Weak connection between wall and wall.
6.    Weak connection between roof and wall.
7.    Stress concentration at corners of doors and windows.
8.    Overall un symmetry in plan and elevation of the building
9.    Un symmetry due to imbalance in the sizes and positions of openings in the wall.
10.    Defects in construction, such as use of sub standard materials, unfilled joints between bricks.
3.0 Behavior of Brick Masonry Wall
Masonry buildings are brittle structures and one of the most vulnerable of the entire building stock under strong earthquake shaking. Thus, it is very important to improve the seismic behavior of masonry buildings. A number of earthquake-resistant features can be introduced to achieve this objective.
Ground vibrations during earthquakes causes inertia forces at locations of mass in the building. These forces travel through the roof and walls to the foundation. The main emphasis is on ensuring that these forces reach the ground without causing major damage or collapse. Of the three components of a masonry building (roof, wall and foundation, Fig1 (a)), the walls are most vulnerable to damage caused by horizontal forces due to earthquake. A wall topples down easily if pushed horizontally at the top in the direction perpendicular to the plane (termed weak direction), but offers much greater resistance if pushed along its length (termed strong direction, Fig 1 (b)).
Horizontal inertia forces developed at the roof transfers to the wall acting either in the weak or in the strong direction. If all the walls are not tied together like a box, the walls loaded in their weak direction tend to topple. (Fig 2(a))
To ensure good seismic performance, all walls must be joined properly to the adjacent walls. In this way, walls loaded in the weak direction can take advantage of the good lateral resistance offered by walls loaded in strong direction (Fig 2(b)). Further, walls also need to be tied to the roof and foundation to preserve their overall integrity.  
Improving Behavior of Masonry Walls
            Masonry walls are slender because of their small thickness compared to their height and length. A simple way of making these walls behave well during earthquake shaking is by making them act together as a box along with the roof at the top and foundation at the bottom. A number of construction aspects are required to ensure this box action.
 Firstly, connections between the walls should be good. This can be achieved by
(a)    Ensuring good interlocking of the masonry courses at the junction.
(b)    Employing horizontal bands at various levels, particularly at the lintel level.
Secondly, the size of the doors and window opening need to be kept small. The smaller the opening, larger is the resistance offered by the wall.
Thirdly, the tendency of wall to topple when pushed in the weak direction can be reduced by limiting its length-to-thickness and height-to-thickness ratios. Design codes specify limits to these ratios. A wall that is too tall or too long in comparison to its thickness, is particularly vulnerable to shaking in its weak direction. (Fig (3))
4.0 Importance of Reinforcements in Masonry Building
The walls, if constructed with plain masonry would be incapable of resisting the magnitude of horizontal shear and bending forces imposed on them during earthquakes. For this reason, in the modern reinforced masonry systems, reinforcing steel is incorporated to resist the shear and tensile stresses, so developed. When these walls are subjected to lateral forces acting on them, they behave as flexural members spanning vertically between floors and horizontally between pilasters/ lateral walls. Therefore reinforcement in both vertical and horizontal directions is required to be provided to develop resistance against torsion.
Role of Horizontal Bands
Horizontal bands are the most important earthquake-resistant feature in masonry buildings. The bands are provided to hold a masonry building as a single unit by tying all the walls together. There are four types in a typical masonry building named after their locations in the building. They are:
(a)    Plinth band: This should be provided in those cases where the soil is soft or uneven in their properties, as it usually happens in hilly areas. This band is not too critical.
(b)    Lintel band: This is the most important band and covers all door and window lintel.
(c)    Roof band: In buildings with flat reinforced concrete or reinforced brick roofs, the roof band is not required because the roof slab itself plays the role of a band. However, in buildings with flat timber or CGI sheet roof, a roof band needs to be provided. In buildings with pitched or sloped roof, the roof band is very important.
(d)    Gable band: It is employed only in buildings with pitched or sloped roofs.
Design of Lintel Bands
During earthquake shaking, the lintel band undergoes bending and pulling actions. To resist these actions, the construction of lintel band requires special attention. Bands can be made of wood including bamboo strips) or of reinforced concrete (RC) (Fig.8); the RC bands are the best. The straight lengths of the bands must be properly connected at the wall corners. This will allow the band to support walls loaded in their weak directions by the walls loaded in their strong direction. Small lengths of wood spacers (in wooden band) or steel links (in RC bands) are used to make the straight lengths of wood runners or steel bars act together. In wooden bands, proper nailing of straight lengths with spacers is important. Likewise, in RC bands, adequate anchoring of steel links with steel bars is necessary.
Indian Standards:
The Indian Standards IS:4326-1993 and IS:13828-1993 provide sizes and details of the bands. When wooden bands are used, the cross-section of runners is to be at least 75mmx38mm and the spacers at least 50mmx30mm. When RC bands are used the
minimum thickness is 75mm, and at least two bars of 8mm diameter are required, tied across with steel links of at least 6mm diameter at a spacing of 150mm centers.

Role of Vertical Reinforcements in Walls:

    Even if horizontal bands are provided, masonry buildings are weakened by the openings in their walls (Fig (9)). During earthquake shaking, the masonry walls get grouped into 3 sub-units, namely Spandrel masonry, Wall Pier masonry and Sill masonry.
    When the ground shakes, the inertia force causes the small-sized masonry wall piers to disconnect from the masonry above and below. These masonry sub-units rock back and forth, developing contact only at the opposite diagonals (Fig. 10(a)). The rocking of a masonry pier can crush the masonry the corners. Rocking is possible when masonry piers are slender, and when weight of the structure above is small. Otherwise, the piers are more likely to develop diagonal (X-type) shear cracking (Fig. 10(b)); this is the most common failure type in masonry buildings.
     During strong earthquake shaking, the building may slide just under the roof, below the lintel band or at the sill level. Sometimes, the building may also slide at the plinth level.
How Vertical Reinforcement Helps?
    Embedding vertical reinforcement bars in the edges of the wall piers and anchoring them in the foundation at the bottom and in the roof band at the top (Fig 11), forces the slender masonry piers to undergo bending instead of rocking. In wider wall piers, the vertical bars enhance their capability to resist horizontal earthquake forces and delay the X-cracking. Adequate cross-sectional area of these vertical bars prevents the bar from yielding in tension. Further, the vertical bars also help protect the wall from sliding as well as from collapsing in the weak direction.
Protection of Openings in Walls:
    The most common damage, observed after an earthquake, is diagonal X-cracking of wall piers, and also inclined cracks at the corners of door and window opening. When a wall with an opening deforms distorts and becomes more like a rhombus. Steel bars provided in the wall masonry all around the openings restrict these cracks at the corners
(Fig. 12). In summary, lintel and sill bands above and below openings and vertical edges, provide protection against this type of damage.
Structural Design:
    Three important aspects to be considered in the design of earthquake resistant structures are given below:
1.    The structure should be ductile, like the use of steel in concrete buildings. For these ductile materials to have an effect, they should be placed where they undergo tension and thus are able to yield.
2.    Apart from ductility, deformability of structures is also essential. Deformability of structures is also essential. Deformability refers to the ability of a structure to dispel or deform to a significant degree without collapsing. For this to happen, the structure should be well- proportioned, regular and tied together in such a way that there are no area of excessive stress concentration and forces can be transmitted from one section to another despite large deformations. For this to happen, components must be linked to resisting elements
3.    Damageability is another aspect to be taken into consideration. This means the ability of a structure to withstand substantial damage without collapsing. To achieve this objective “minimum area which shall be damaged in case a member of the structure is collapsed” is to be kept in view while planning. Columns shall be stronger than beams for that purpose and it is known as strong column and weak beam concept.
Tips for Earthquake-Resistant Design:
  •     The building plan should be in a regular shape such as square or rectangular.
  •    No wall in a room should exceed 6.0m in length. Use pilasters or cross walls for longer walls. In hilly terrain, it should not exceed 3.5m in length.
  •     The height of each storey should be kept below 3.2m.
  •     Don’t use bricks of crushing strength less than 35kg/cm2 for single storeyed building and of 50kg/cm2 for 2-3 storeyed building. Only solid and sound bricks/ concrete blocks should be used
  •     Provide a R.C.C band of 4” thickness throughout the run along wall at lintel level passing over doors and windows.
  •     The thickness of load bearing wall should be at least 200mm
  •     The clear width between a door and nearest window should not be less than 600mm.
  •     Location of a door or window from edge of a wall shall be 600mm minimum.